How to choose the right payment gateway - PaynoPain
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How to choose the right payment gateway

02 November, 2018

Escrito por:PaynoPain
Cargo:Dep. Comunicación

Choosing a payment gateway for your ecommerce or online store isn’t always easy. We know that there are many options and all of them seem to offer the same. How to differentiate, then, which are the best payment gateways? Today we’re going to give you the keys to ask the right questions when choosing your online payment gateway.


What security measures does the payment gateway offer?

As we have seen several times before, your payment gateway provider must, at least, comply with the PCI-DSS standard and offer your customers an extra security layer such as 3D Secure authentications. In addition to these minimums, when choosing your payment gateway you may demand a good customizable anti-fraud system.


What commission will I have to pay based on my monthly sales volume?

The majority of websites that market payment gateway services show a price. This is the commission that’s going to be applied to sales made through the payment gateway, but the truth is that this price can vary greatly depending on the volume of sales made by the online store. So, when choosing your provider, don’t forget to ask what commission will be applied in your case.


Who will answer my questions and help me when I have a problem?

Enjoying a customer service doesn’t always mean having a high quality customer service. Before hiring your online payment gateway, ask the provider in which country the service is located, what knowledge and experience do the team that carry it out have, and in what time at most you will receive support. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to check its quality until you start working with the platform and the first problems appear, but you can get a preliminary idea of ​​how it would be like.


How often is the payment gateway updated and optimized?

It usually happens that a payment gateway seems to have many tools for the seller but then it can take months or years without errors being corrected or improvements implemented. To avoid encountering this unpleasant surprise you can ask the provider when was the last update of the platform made or search the internet for user’s reviews.


You may also be interested in learning what PaynoPain’s payment gateway Paylands can do for you: it has the best security measures, the lowest commissions in the market, a rigorous and personalized customer service, and we do constant improvements in the platform. Don’t hesitate and ask us any questions you may have through this form:

Do you think we can be the best payment gateway for your business? Contact us!

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