PaynoPain is committed to artificial intelligence participating with the UJI in the project “SemanticBots” - PaynoPain
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PaynoPain is committed to artificial intelligence participating with the UJI in the project “SemanticBots”

22 February, 2018

Escrito por:PaynoPain
Cargo:Dep. Comunicación

From PaynoPain, as a benchmark company in technological development and innovation, we value and support the implementation of projects based on offering innovative solutions to society with the aim of facilitating day-to-day and everyday problems, however small they may be. That is why we decided to bet on SemanticBots, a project directly linked to Espaitec and Universitat Jaume I based on the design and development of conversation platforms with chatbots or personal assistants of artificial intelligence, as well as in the collection and subsequent analysis of the data generated in conversations with the help of Big Data tools.


SemanticBots offers businesses that purchase their services a personal assistant with artificial intelligence that favors customer loyalty, in-depth knowledge of them, the personalization of marketing campaigns and a comprehensive analysis of Big Data generated in the course of the conversations. In turn, the customers of the company that uses the SemanticBots platform will receive a direct and personalized communication client-company, a product recommender and a customer service 24h every day of the year.


It should be noted that currently the use of artificial intelligence and chatbots is a rising trend. According to data from Kantar Worldpanel, global expert on consumer behavior research, in 2016 the use of conversational assistants (either voice or text) doubled their number with respect to 2015 and it is estimated that by the year 2021 there will be 1,800 million of consumers using conversational assistants worldwide.


With this collaboration PaynoPain shows its commitment to startups that are committed to innovation as the main objective of their business activity, motivating them to continue investigating and developing new processes and trends and providing them with the necessary confidence to develop their future projects. Do you think your company could benefit from a collaboration with PaynoPain? Contact us and let's talk.

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