Spain Fintech: PaynoPain receives the EIBT award (Innovative Technology-Based Company) awarded by ANCES - PaynoPain
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Spain Fintech: PaynoPain receives the EIBT award (Innovative Technology-Based Company) awarded by ANCES

17 January, 2019

Escrito por:PaynoPain
Cargo:Dep. Comunicación

ANCES (the National Association of Business and Innovation European Centers) gave us yesterday the EIBT award (Innovative Technology-Based Company). An award that recognizes the work of research and technological innovation that we carry out day after day in the fintech PaynoPain, with the backing of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business.


This award represents a differentiating element at a national level for the companies that achieve it, because it represents the guarantee that besides being a technology-based company, we have a high level of innovation. It is for this reason that there are only about 400 companies that hold the recognition of the EIBT brand in Spain.


The Association that is behind the EIBT brand is ANCES, the meeting point of all the CEEI (Business and Innovation European Centers) which are distributed throughout all the national territory. Entities that promote the development of the most innovative companies through different initiatives, as in our case, does the CEEI Castellón.


But if we have achieved this important recognition it has been thanks to our daily work of innovation in online payment methods technologies. Innovation that we carry out to create the most ground breaking projects for our clients and partners. So, if you want to create a joint project with us, do not hesitate to send us your proposal through this form.

Do you think we can be the best payment gateway for your business? Contact us!

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    Somos una fintech española que nace en 2011 con el objetivo de dar cobertura de pagos a escala global y que actualmente contamos con proyectos tecnológicos en más de 30 países alrededor del mundo.