The intelligent bracelet of the PaynoPain company opens alliances in Silicon Valley - PaynoPain
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The intelligent bracelet of the PaynoPain company opens alliances in Silicon Valley

06 May, 2016

Escrito por:PaynoPain
Cargo:Dep. Comunicación

The firm from Castellón with its smart bracelet establishes during its visit to San Francisco pre-agreements with the event managers Festevo and Eventbrite.

LEVANTE DE CASTELLÓ | CASTELLÓ The Spain Tech Center Immersion Program (STC) promoted by the ICEX has not been able to start better for the PaynoPain company from Castellón, whose product easyGOband - smart bracelet is generating a lot of interest since its managers landed in Silicon Valley, the world's center of technology, last April 26.

In addition to the visits initially scheduled by the STC, in which 12 Spanish technology-based companies participate until May 6, PaynoPain has managed to establish contacts with major companies with the aim of introducing its smart bracelet in the US market. "We are very satisfied and expectant with the reception that easyGOband has had and with the contacts we are making with very powerful companies in the US", says Jordi Nebot, operations director and co-founder of PaynoPain, who has traveled to California with Christian Bongardt , responsible for the easyGOband project.

The turning point was the Pitch Night held at the Rocket Space in San Francisco, a coworking space known for lighting projects such as Spotify or Uber. The presentation of only 2 minutes of the director of operations before executives of large corporations and investors aroused the interest of the managers of events Festevo and Eventbrite, with which later meetings have been held interested in the introduction of easyGOband in the North American market.

In addition, PaynoPain has also managed to close a meeting with executives of Android Pay, the payment system that allows the use of mobile phones to pay in physical establishments, closely related to easyGOband's technology.

Within the ICEX Immersion Program in Silicon Valley, Castellón entrepreneurs have visited Airbnb, the multinational startup for renting holiday homes among individuals, and have had a meeting with the CEO of Austral Capital, Hiroshi Wald, one of the investors of A most prestigious series in the US.

easyGOband is an innovative smart bracelet designed to make access control to large events easier, safer and more efficient, instant cashless payment and identification and traceability of the user, including interaction with social networks. A powerful tool that is already used successfully in large events and venues such as the European Ecommerce Conference, the ElectroSplash festival or those organized by Pompeu Fabra and Jaume I universities, and which is in negotiations to be extended to theme parks, trade fairs and exhibitions. resorts.

"In San Francisco there is a very positive view of entrepreneurs". Both professionally and personally, the experience of the trip to San Francisco is "very positive" for Jordi Nebot and Christian Bongardt. «The business ecosystem is very favorable for entrepreneurs, there are a lot of events to put in contact related projects and find financing? it's a city set up for that, "says Jordi Nebot. An atmosphere that reaches all corners, explains the Vila-realense: "In San Francisco there is a very positive view of entrepreneurs and, if you establish any conversation even in a cafe, then anyone asks you for a two-minute pitch to that you explain what your project is; the sales formats are very standardized and are used everywhere. " At the same time, Nebot argues that the "ecosystem is competitive and very demanding", which is why it is difficult to generate false expectations. "Precisely because it is a city where there are many projects and circulate, investors and large companies are very practical and try to be as efficient as possible so as not to waste time or make it lose," they explain from PaynoPain.

PaynoPain abre alianzas en Silicon Valley

News source: Levante-em

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