23 May, 2019
Internet has been a revolution for tourism companies. The most notable advantages of online tourism companies are that the purchase process can be facilitated to the maximum, is accessible globally and has minimal costs for operation and communication compared to traditional tourism companies. There are few companies in the tourism sector that aren’t online now, knowing that the traditional channel has its days numbered.
But online transactions have the problem, in sectors such as tourism, that the personalized treatment and the trust that this generates are lost, so it’s important to compensate by choosing technologies that generate reliability and facilitate the procedures to the customers to the maximum. Let's see the key points that a tourism company should take into account when choosing a payment gateway:
Paylands is the payment gateway that has all these advantages: an own anti-fraud system, payments tokenized with 3DSecure, Dynamic Currency Conversion service, alternative payments such as cryptocurrencies and more.
Contact us so we can inform you in detail and without obligation and you’ll be able to have our payment platform implemented in your site in a very short time.
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